Home Inspector One Minute Podcast
What kind of insurance does a home inspector need?
Why Choose School of Professional Home Inspection
A home inspection is a critical step in the process of buying or selling a property. It helps to ensure that the property is in good condition and that any potential issues are identified and addressed before closing the deal. A professional home inspector can provide peace of mind and Read more…
Becoming a Home Inspector: A Comprehensive Guide
As a homeowner, having a reliable and professional home inspector to assess the condition of your property can bring peace of mind. But what about becoming a home inspector yourself? If you’re interested in entering this field, there are several important steps to follow to ensure your success. In this Read more…
FAQ for Home Inspector Candidates
While most inspectors work for themselves, there are opportunities to work with multi-inspector firms and franchises. Be sure to read any offer to work for another company very carefully. We recommend you have this offer reviewed by an attorney.
Expand Your Inspection Business and Invest in your Future
When you begin your new career as an inspector, you will likely venture out on your own. Many seek out an inspection career due to the common American desire to own their own business. A career in home inspection allows flexibility and peace of mind that many people crave in Read more…
Podcast for Inspectors
Home inspection is a job where you are always on the road. The commute from one job to another can often take up several hours or more a week. Now you can pass the time by listening to an informative, intriguing podcast about your profession. When Preston Sandlin created ” Read more…