Understanding Safety Glass Code Requirements for Home Inspectors
Safety glass is an important feature in homes, especially in areas like bathrooms and near doors. Home inspectors should be aware of safety glass code requirements and ensure proper installation to reduce the risk of injury in case of glass breakage.
Safe Decks Are More Complicated Than You Think
A home inspection is a critical step in the home-buying process. It helps to ensure that the home you are considering is safe, functional, and in good condition. One of the key components of a home inspection is the deck inspection. This is because decks can be a source of Read more…
Exploding Toilets?
Yes that is a real thing!The pressure-assisted toilets made by the Sloan valve company sold under the name flushmate have had recalls. (501-b and 503) https://schoolofprofessionalhomeinspection.com/lib/vid/Exploding%20Sloan%20Toilet%20Tanks.mp4 These pressurized toilets are known to fail and cause explosions. Significant property damage and some injuries have occurred due to these failures. There are Read more…
The Dumbest Install Ever!
Today I have the pleasure of inspecting possibly the most dangerous, certainly the dumbest furnace install I’ve ever seen. If you look at the air intake and exhaust for this high-efficiency furnace they have been swapped. This is causing soaking wet exhaust from the furnace to vent into the attic. Read more…
4th of July Safety
Independence Day is just a few days away! Summer holidays are hot and fun. Many people have the day off to barbecue, lounge near the pool, lake or beach. Most Americans do not think the day is complete without the magical, colorful, booming tradition of fireworks. The use of fireworks Read more…
Mold Prevention For Your Home
Mold growth in the HVAC system is due to the mold spores contained in the constantly circulated air. These spores embed in the dust, and finally combine with condensation (due to the AC coil or humidity) and quickly grow.
Interesting Day Out in the Field
This million plus dollar home had a lot of issues, just because a home is expensive and beautiful doesn’t mean it doesn’t have problems. This home has a regular basement flooding problem, so the homeowner decided to install a sump pump that dumps into a bathtub! It is wrong on Read more…
Interested in Becoming a Home Inspector? Class Begins February 26th, 2018!
Interested in a Home Inspection Career? School of Professional Home Inspection (SOPHI) is your first step toward becoming a Licensed Home Inspector, offering interactive and informative course material taught by experienced professionals who truly value your long-term success, even beyond the classroom. Whether you plan to join an established team Read more…
Indoor Air Quality Problems and Solutions
Builders have made great strides to make our homes energy efficient. This has resulted in new problems with the quality of the air. We typically spend 12 or more hours a day in our homes resulting in potentially long term exposure to unhealthy air. Some homes have from 2 to Read more…
Knob and Tube Wiring
Knob and Tube Wiring Knob and tube wiring in an attic, with NM cable spliced to it. This circuit was not designed to carry the extra load newer wiring may demand. All these junctions should be made in an enclosed box. Knob and tube wiring was the earliest standardized Read more…
Carbon Monoxide: Safety Tips
Carbon Monoxide: tips for keeping your family safe During a power outage caused by the windstorms in December 2006, a gas generator killed an entire family in Burien Washington. Carbon monoxide kills nearly 150 Americans a year. This statistic drove us to further research this topic. There are many possible Read more…
GFCI’s are Critical Items to Inspect
One of the most important items on an inspector’s list are the GFCIs, or Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter . Get hands on training from local Home Inspection Professionals. Next class starting September 8th Sign up TODAY.