Source: Reuben Saltzman, Structure Tech Home Inspection
This is one of the easiest voltage testers to use this is something a homeowner ought to have. A contactless voltage tester is going to tell you if something is or isn’t energized.
The one drawback to these is they’re great they’re really really good they’re not perfect so because it is contactless you can get phantom readings occasionally if you put on the wrong spot you may think it’s not energized and it is so you always want to follow up with an actual contact tester if you’re going to work.
I learn something new all the time. I have always used the Klein voltage detector, but like all of these I have used, they give you false readings.
In the example shown to the left, the tester shows a live wire, but there is no current on it.
In this other demo, you can see that unless you are touching the tester it does not work! I was amazed at this demo and I wanted to share it with you. I always recommend a real electrical meter to prove a circuit is dead before doing any work!
Ruben has some great tips in this video.
After seeing this demo I have switched to the Fluke 1AC II A1 Volt Alert Electrical Tester, available in our tool store.
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