
To return to the classroom safely, we have adopted several guidelines based on the recommendations from the Washington State Department of Health. We will continue to offer online classes for those who are unvaccinated and or want to take the program via Zoom.

Students and staff who have symptoms of COVID-19 are required to stay home and should get tested and/or see a health care provider and follow their return to work/care/school guidance accordingly.

Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 is required to isolate, regardless of vaccination status. The individual may return after 5 full days of isolation if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms have improved and they have had no fever for the past 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.

By adopting these guidelines we hope to limit the risks of in-class classrooms.

JJ Greive

JJ & Suzanne are both licensed, highly skilled inspectors and educators. We are the authors of our class curriculum, and truly enjoy sharing this with our students